A community of disciples following the way of Jesus for the sake of the world.
We desire to be a community of disciples following the way of Jesus for the sake of the world.
First and foremost we want to follow Jesus and his way as disciples of him. We are always seeking to be with him, learn from him and become like him. Jesus is God, and everything we do flows out of our relationship of worship, devotion and obedience to Him.
The only way to do any of this is in community. We want to love and serve one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. The church is God’s family where we find belonging, identity and purpose and can become who God intends us to be through the Spirit, with the love and help of each other.
We are invited to be participants in God’s mission for the world. We love our community and the world and want everyone to experience the goodness and grace of God. We long to share the good news of Jesus and show the love of God in word and deed to our friends, neighbours and all people.
““All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””
Word & Spirit
We are committed to knowing and obeying the Bible. We study the Scriptures together each Sunday and value God’s word above all other voices. We also seek to be led by God’s Holy Spirit and live, move and have our being in step with the Spirit.
Generosity & Justice
We are committed to being generous with our time, money and resources. In a culture that often promotes living for self, we want to imitate Jesus by practicing sacrificial generosity towards others. We also believe in his message of justice and liberation and are privileged to be participants in that mission.
Life & Work
We are committed to everyday, all of life discipleship. Therefore we seek to integrate faith into our life and work, as church goes far beyond Sundays. We want Jesus to shape our vocations and our pursuit of the common good as well as see him build the church.
Prayer & Worship
We are committed to paying attention to God and responding appropriately. The beginning of our response to the God who loves, speaks and saves is prayer and praise. We want to be continually aware of His presence and communing with Him in prayer and to be passionate worshippers of Him above all else.